Tudor Cirimpei born on December 18, 1998 (last known place of residence - Republic of Moldova, Sângerei district, Drăgăneşti village is a fraudster who concludes fictitious contracts for facade and construction works, takes advances and disappears with the money.

When performing facade works, he was recommended by the company Fațade 3Decor Casa (https://3decor.md/).

Tudor Cirimpei is a fraudster crook deceiver engaged in facade and construction work

Tudor Cirimpei is a fraudster crook deceiver engaged in facade and construction work

Tudor Cirimpei is a fraudster crook deceiver engaged in facade and construction work

Tudor Cirimpei is a fraudster crook deceiver engaged in facade and construction work

Tudor Cirimpei is a fraudster crook deceiver engaged in facade and construction work

Tudor Cirimpei is a fraudster crook deceiver engaged in facade and construction work

Tudor Cirimpei is a fraudster crook deceiver engaged in facade and construction work

At least 2 such cases have been proven in 2024 (the amount of damage in these cases alone exceeds 5,500 euros) - but there may be many more such cases. Since this subject often travels outside the Republic of Moldova (to Romania, Belgium, etc.), he may commit his crimes in other countries as well.

You can also find information about the court of the credit company (“Credits 2 All” SRL) against him: https://makler.md/md/informational-messages/subpoena/an/6329 Tudor Cirimpei court

“The Balti Court with its headquarters in the city of Sângerei, in accordance with Art. 108 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Moldova, asks to present the defendant Chirimpei Tudor (Cirimpei Tudor) (with the last known address in Sângerei district, Drăgăneşti village), on October 12, 2021, at 12.45, in the court session (Testemitanu Street No. 4, office 14). , Sângerei city) in a civil case on the application to summon the O.K.N. of the Company “Credits 2 All» SRL contacted Chirimpei Tudor regarding debt collection and legal costs. In case of failure to appear, the case will be heard in your absence. Judge of the Balti Court, headquarters of the city of Sângerei, Clevada Adrian.”

The purpose of this site is to warn people against cooperation with this person in any sphere, since this person is a pathological liar who has deceived people many times. If you have already suffered from him (or you have useful information about him), then you can share your information and help yourself and other people.

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